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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday SlobberLove

This American Life never fails to provide me with a word or phrase or image or concept that makes me do a little invisible standing ovation in my head where I go BRAVO! BRAVO! ENCORE! like a scene out of The Turning Point.

This morning I heard the words DERELICT HIBACHI in the description of a back yard that had fallen into trashy neglect and it just made my heart swoon.


steve said...

Yes! I thought I was the only one who cheered while listening to TAL. It's SO DAMN GOOD.

Leah Rubin said...

I KNOW! That was genius, wasn't it? Where would we be without that great NPR programming???????

linlah said...

I imagine that hibachi in hand cuffs with spindly legs making dash through a yard of rotting trucks.