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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday SlobberLove

The Cupcake Household is very fond of those cozy weeks that come just before the holidays---when there is a lot of snuggly, grounded, calm nap-time and hearts and minds are full of anticipation and hope and the dread, bloat and intermittent rage one feels during the holidays is poised ever so slightly OFF stage just waiting with several thousand gifts and forty seven million tons of food. 

The Cupcakes love when none of the madness has happened yet and that everything very well may go swimmingly and there will be no hideousness at all.  As a matter of fact, The Cupcakes like to have long conversations about the fact that things and people seem to mellow as time marches on and this is not something that The Cupcakes would have figured to be true or that it would be something that they would love and feel large appreciation for.

But in the days that lead up to that time when all hell breaks loose and one takes stock of how the year has gone and how the new year will go there is that special sleepy nap time when it is of utmost importance to remember to cut all the other fumblers a little slack and simply focus on making sure there are enough serving spoons.

Please pass the salt,
Gilda Gravy


Twisted Susan said...

I'm all ready for my annual bout of seasonal hate.

The Zadge said...

The Cupcakes have it down. Content sigh.

duffylou said...

Cooper has made me very tired. *yawn.

claudia said...

Oh to be Cooper-like right now. He looks so comfy and warm.

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

Cooper magically grounds everyone who sees a photo of him. Good Cupcake karma.

Joann Mannix said...

We are all indeed fumbling through, aren't we? A very good thing to keep in mind, not only during the holidays, but in all the days here in our fumbling kind of lives.