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Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Judgements and Warnings

I have never, nor will I ever, stand before you and act like I'm Lady Mayor of Elegance or what have you but if you're going to BLAST that creepy rave music AT SIX THIRTY IN THE GOD DAMN MORNING so loud that anyone within a 900 mile radius of your suped up Mazda has a violent nostril twitch attack --- you need to go back to the How-To-Be-In-the-World-Without-Making-People-Barf drawing board.

I'm just saying,
Assistant to the Lord of Quiet


The Zadge said...

"Suped up" and "Mazda" just should never be seen together.

Dazee Dreamer said...

amen, and amen.

Lora said...

so, I'm guessing you live in my neighborhood?

All of these goofballs are coming home from partying or something. It has to be, they can't be starting their day like that, right?

duffylou said...

Too much boom-boom in the zoom-zoom.

Dawn in D.C. said...

Duffylou made me snort.