273. How, when someone you love dies and you try to remember them, it feels like their presence was one second ago and a million years ago all at the same time
274. Why parchment paper doesn't start a forest fire in the oven
275. Jeggings on anyone over 10
My heart is cracking open at #273. Because it is exactly that. Exactly.
I saw three girls the other night standing outside a club with jeggings and half tops. I am not a person prone to violence. I wanted to stab them.
How come when someone dies you think you see them alive all over the place?
#274, I know, right? Isn't that what our forefathers used to write the Constitution? I'm pretty sure if you put the Constitution in the oven, you would have one hell of a bonfire.
The visual of Jeggings on anyone over 10 cracked me up.
Good one.
273: you nailed how I'm feeling. And I'm *not* wearing jeggings.
I want to stab whoever it was that came up with the word (and product) "jeggings."
#273 It's exactly like that with my Dad, even though it's been over 16 years.
#273 goes for kids too.
Yeah, #273 tugs at my heart this week.
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