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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Things I Don't Understand, Items 380 thru 382

380. Water Parks
381. Flamin' Hot Cheetos
382. Any woman who doesn't immediately think CREEPER MAN CREEPAZOID when they hear Herman Cain give his "I only told her she was the same height as my wife---and that was right about up to my chin" explanation.


Bossy Betty said...

I am totally with you on 381 and 382.

PJ said...

Creeper Man Creepazoid, why you even been noticin' my height? None of your Restaurant Association bidness!

claudia said...

How about a water park that is situated within 100 yards of a lake?!? There is Clearlake. Ridiculous!
Definitely Creeper Man Creepazoid! Shivers....

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

I do have to say, I like Spicy Cheez-Its. But the air filled Cheeto escapes me. It's sort of like biting tart air.