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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday Expert Advice

Dear Cupcake,

I have a Glamour Do/Don't question for you. What explains the phenomenon of men who wear braided pigtails? Are they somehow unable to see themselves in the mirror or have they just been watching too many reruns of Little House On the Prairie? Any insight you provide would be mighty helpful.
Dumbfounded In Duluth

Dear Dumbfounded,
Good luck,


Twisted Susan said...

OMG, I love braids on guys so much! Two of my favorite braids are the greasy rat tail ones and the graying kinky pubic hair looking ones. Hot!

Cupcake Murphy said...

Clogs work better.

Little Girl::Big Glasses said...

I'm just thankful to not run into too many guys trying to recreate the "Nelly Olson" look.

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

Didn't Willie Nelson just release himself from old man braided hair hell? He must have stopped smoking pot and looked in the mirror.

Joann Mannix said...

I, myself, still cannot understand mullets and straight leg jeans on men.

The Zadge said...

I'm sure it's only a matter of days until one of those braided pigtails e-mails me on!