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Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Judgements and Warnings

Sometimes, when people tell me that they're strong or they're brave, I look at them as if I believe what they're saying and I nod my head in comrade-like validation but inside I'm thinking Yeah, but do you have the courage to confront Steve Jobs about his addiction to mom jeans? 

Just because we ignore it doesn't mean it isn't so,
Tillie Truthstein
Truth Squad, Tenth Division


linlah said...

I would. Really! Stop nodding your head.

Cecelia Winesap said...

I would. Because those who proclaim they are stong and brave need to prove it.

Joann Mannix said...

Yes! I mean, no, I wouldn't have it in me, but yes, Steve Jobs and his mom jeans! Hasn't anyone told him that of course, jeans have become the most overpriced consumer product in the world, but he can afford a few c-notes for some denim.

Little Girl::Big Glasses said...

Bwah ha ha ha!

Andrea said...

Nope! I'd probably put on a pair and stand next to him! LOL! But at least I'm honest about it - hahaha!

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

Men will always listen to a way they can look better, if you put pizza and beer in front of them. Pavlov.