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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Things I Don't Understand, Items 214 thru 216

214. Why Dustin Hoffman acts like he's Queen Elizabeth
215. The Don't-Give-Money-To-Homeless-People-Because-They'll-Spend-It-On-Alcohol-or-Drugs assface argument
216. Parboiling


Twisted Susan said...

Dude, sometimes you gotta parboil.
Asparagus, hello?

linlah said...

I think they spend it on strippers, but I still give them money.

Unknown said...

Had to look up "parboiling" and now that's officially What I Learned Today.

Also, how about the "I don't give money to people begging on the side of the road because once, I saw I guy end his begging 'shift' and drive off in a newish looking BMW" excuse?

Nance said...

I always thought Dustin's Queen Elizabeth act might be due to a barely controlled tic disorder. Guy's got two expressions: blank or big, cheesy, insincere grin. That's obviously not acting. But, if indeed he has Tourettes, then he's a helluva actor and we should both be ashamed. Oscar-worthy, I'm sayin'.

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

We pick and choose our panhandlers carefully. I hate the ones with really nice haircuts and designer glasses.