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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cooper Being Sally Field in Not Without My Daughter

"Helllllooooooooooooo. Is she there? Can you see her? Did she leave? Where is she? Can I go home now? Why was I cast in this movie?"he asks before regaling us with a story about his bittersweet love affair with Burt Reynolds and then reminding us about the fact that, although he is 97 years old, he still wears size 4 Levi's.


The Zadge said...

Ok, so once again, a hilarious post by Cooper, but seriously - I love that photo!

Unknown said...

I love the title of this post! Haaaaahahaha!! That cracks me up and then makes me cry huge buckets of tears. My brain mixes up that movie with "Steel Magnolias" and sends me over the edge. I need a Sham Wow for my face now. Thanks.