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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday SlobblerLove

I bought some gladiolas yesterday that look so much like Liza Minnelli in their vase it makes me want to wear false eyelashes and buy a bunch of clothing that drapes FROM my body as opposed to clings TO it.

"Look! They're gonna sing The Man That Got Away next," I scream to Mister Cupcake, all caught up in the Razz-Ma-Tazz.


Joann Mannix said...

Now, you need to go out and buy a plastic flower arrangement, set it right next to Gladiola Liza, so she can remember the good, the bad and the ugly that came with David Gest and the fact that the truth persists: Girls always marry their father.

The Zadge said...

Isn't she doing Celebrity Rehab?!

patti said...

I almost bought the glads, but decided on sunflowers instead. I loved Liza in Arrested Development.