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Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Judgements and Warnings

Just because you have a label maker AND YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT does not mean that you are a better person.

Martha Stewart went to jail you know,
Sally of The Stupids


The Zadge said...

Weren't label makers big in 1978, along with crepe makers, and yogurt makers? 'Cause in 1978, we used all three a lot in my suburban home!

Twisted Susan said...

I used a label maker today.

Little Girl::Big Glasses said...

I always wonder about people who put labels on clear containers. I mean, if you can see the freakin' cashews, must the label SAY cashews? Maybe if it was a braille label maker it would make sense. Or if it said something funny like "really big nuts." Hmm. Now I really want a label maker.