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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Things I Don't Understand, Items 264 thru 266

264. Why there isn't more worldwide instruction regarding how to put a duvet cover on without cursing, spitting and sweating
265. People that get all miserable when they win the lottery
266. Guys in Trans Ams who rev their engines at stop signs


The Zadge said...

How about just guys in Trans Ams?

linlah said...

265. Charity.

duffylou said...

265. Greed

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

And why are the Tran Am guys always folically challenged?

Joann Mannix said...

Here's what I don't get: Why don't they just make freakin' duvets that somehow attach to the comforter. They shouldn't call them duvets. They should call them, "Give it 2 days and your comforter will be a round hump in the corner of the duvet."

And here's a true story. When my brother and sister in law were first married, they lived in a modest, but sweet neighborhood. Someone won the Fl lottery, 30 million at the time, but they didn't come forward for a few weeks to collect their prize. when they did, it happened to be my brother's neighbors, a nice old couple with a lot of birdbaths in their yard. They wanted to wait until they could build a fence to keep the "riffraff" out, they told my brother. They stayed in that house for many years. Their only big purchase was the mac daddy RV they bought to travel across the country, so they wouldn't have to spend the money to stay in a hotel. True, amazing story.

Lora said...

my duvet trick: cram the bottom corners of the blanket into their corresponding spots in the covers. Safety pin (or if you think you'll be leaving the cover on for a while, you can sew a button on to the thing. I've tried running a stitch through, but it can be hard to take off.
Then just wiggle the cover up. It helps to put the secured end under something heavy, like the couch or bed or tucked into the bottom of your mattress