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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things I Don't Understand, Items 270 thru 272

270. Joe Lieberman
271. Why the air, sun, streets, shadows, trees, your hair, the water, sidewalks, light, the sound of traffic and planes on week days feel totally and completely different than weekend days.
272. How fucked up Christmas music sounds in Spring or Summer


The Zadge said...

How can it be possible that I was thinking *all* of those things in the past 24 hours too?? But you articulate them so much better and funnier than I could!

duffylou said...

Things Joe Lieberman doesn't understand.

1.) Wha What was the question?

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

My Vince Guaraldi Peanuts CD sometimes shows up when I stream my jazz music. Sometimes technology is too smart.

Joann Mannix said...

I am totally with you on the Christmas songs, except for Run DMC's "Christmas Is." Just to listen to Rev Run show all the other rappers how it's done, does my heart good.