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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday SlobberLove

Sometimes on Saturday, to celebrate the change of season we feel just slightly in our nostrils, we gather our most beloved toys around us and we have special paw time with them and we gnaw and sniff and drool and nibble and just when we think it cannot get any better, one of the special two armed ones comes over to us and asks us if we want to play.  And we think we might be dreaming.

Holy Hallelujah,
Mister Happy Hound


The Zadge said...

I love that Coop has the really dark black=blue pedicure that all the hip kids are sporting these days. He had it first, hipsters.

Where the Fur Flies said...

I'm wondering if you put eye liner on your dog.

Mrs. Tuna said...

Sit, stay, speak......Oh wait, that's me.

Cupcake Murphy said...

Can you believe those eyeliner eyes?