1. At the end of
Legends Of The Fall Anthony Hopkins for sure used Liberace as a character study
2. It's totally fine that Gallagher is no longer on the comedy circuit
3. Two Peppermint Patties after dinner are definitely better than pineapple
4. Palm trees are the sleazy italian men of the tree world
For me, a Hoosier moving to Florida, the palm tree has always represented the triumph of warmth and life over the cold death of winter. As to 'greasy italian' guys, I can't say I've ever met any. I hope you don't have any mob hits floating about...
I hear ya. Maybe familiarity breeds contempt since I am an LA native but palm trees have always seemed anorexic and incapable of intimacy to me --- very unlikeable --- as far as italian men---I was thinking of that one sinister dwarfish bald guy that grabbed by left buttock on the train going from Rome to Naples---hugely unlikeable. Just like a palm tree. But A LOT taller. See what I'm saying?
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