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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cooper Working the Drive-Thru Window At Taco Bell

"I made the mistake of organizing a small violent posse of disgruntled taco makers who's sole purpose was to pressure management into bringing the Enchirito back," he says, reflecting on his short lived vocation as a fast food attendant.

"Also, I refused to wear a hair net and felt more comfortable interacting with customers in the nude."


linlah said...

Thanks for bringing the enchirito back.

The Zadge said...

Oh, the Chihuahuas are clearly going to file a union grievance.

Where the Fur Flies said...

And here, I always pictured Cooper as more of a Jack in the Box kind of guy...

Cupcake Murphy said...

linlah---I LOVED the enchirito in its own little container.

The Zadge---I bust a gut reading "union grievance" thank you

Where the Fur Flies---Cooper actually considered Jack in the Box but they were not hiring