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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Things I Don't Understand, Items 130 thru 132

130. When people have nine thousand stuffed animals in the back of their car
131. STOMP!
132. The movement to recycle toilet water into drinking water


The Zadge said...

I didn't even know 132 existed and now I am very, very disturbed.

linlah said...

Or stuff hanging off the rear view mirror.

steve said...

130: I like to imagine them running into a tree - not hard enough to get hurt, but hard enough to send all that stuff flying.

132: I'm cool with this, if it's done right like they're doing in Orange County now. Naysayers love to call it "toilet to tap", but that's not what it is.

Cupcake Murphy said...

Sometimes I picture the people with all the stuffed animals being forced to drink Peepee/Doodie Water.