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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Prayer

Oh holy creator of life, supplier to my horn of plenty, giver of grace and yummy stuff I can nibble on when no one is looking:  please oh please I throw myself at your mercy and I beg you to guide me on my journey as I try to understand the lunatics I live with and why they think my glorious barking is unacceptable in every way.  Do they not know it is the way of my people?  Do they not comprehend the danger that transmits from every sound and whisper and honk?  Please dear lord and provider of Pupperoni---show me the way and bestow patience upon me or at least make the crackpots that feed me understand that they can butt out and go on about their business and I, The Loud Hound will take care of the home front because that is what I was born to do glory hallelujah amen.

We Be Woofin',
Emperor Barkohito


Hilary said...

Ruff, ruff.

Cupcake Murphy said...

RUFF! RUFF! RUFF! RARRARRARRARRARRAR!!!!! RUFF,RUFF, ruff, ruff, RUFF!! RUFF!! rar, rar, RAR!!!!! RAR!! ruff. ru...ruFF.

The Zadge said...

This goes in the Top Ten of all Cupcake posts. Damn, woman, you are IN our barking hounds' minds!

Donna said...

My two hounds (tho disguised as poodles - standard w/no goofy poofy cuts) want to join your hounds pack.
Double RUFF from here in the Midwest.