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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cooper Being Kathy Bates in Misery

"GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE AND FINISH CHAPTER 9 THOUSAND!" he screams, wielding a mallet.


Where the Fur Flies said...

What a good actor Cooper is! Put a harness on most dogs, and they'd be bouncing off the walls in anticipation of fun; not looking so serious.

Heck - I Almost believe that Cooper doesn't want to go for a walk.

Leah Rubin said...

I love Cooper AND Kathy Bates. She is one of the best actresses out there, according to ME.

Cupcake Murphy said...

Fur Flies: Cooper is suspect of his harness although once its on him he is Mister Sniff and Leah---Kathy Bates is the best I agree as does Cooper. He especially liked her role on Six Feet Under.